What is Nuri-e?

Nuri-e is different from conventional coloring books with their simple technique of coloring within outlines. Nuri-e is more of an artistic hobby, and with ample opportunity to improve your skills Nuri-e allows you to create increasingly beautiful pictures with no need of sketches.
With its 2005 launch in Japan, the Nuri-e book series proved an instant smash hit with impressive sales of over 4.2 million books to date; in response to popular demand new books are released almost every month and there is now an astonishing 115 series covering a wide variety of subjects.
Carefully study the original picture, use many different colors, keep adding layers of color, and give your picture a very realistic feel; this is Nuri-e. Depending on your choice of colors and art materials, each work exhibits real originality.
Since a sketch is already provided, any age can immediately join in and enjoy the fun; even those not good at drawing pictures can still turn in a beautiful work. Nuri-e is very attractive for adults; although its approach is simple and easy, the finish and quality of the pictures is surprising and gives people a real feeling of satisfaction and achievement.
Nuri-e not only produces beautiful pictures, but also contributes to such effects as stress release, relaxation, or enhancing the ability to concentrate.
Many people who thought Nuri-e was just another conventional coloring system have been astonished at the difference, and very surprised at the quality of Nuri-e. Why not try the Nuri-e way today?
Nuri-e provides a wide and attractive range of subjects such as beautiful landscapes, flowering plants, animals, Disney characters, and masterpieces including those by Vermeer and Van Gogh.
Nuri-e Contests are held every year and the increasing number of entrants is testimony to Nuri-e’s growing popularity; in 2013 the 8th Contest attracted 4,912 entries.
All over Japan, well attended Nuri-e classes are held every week, and are very popular events.